mardi 13 novembre 2012


Cement Kiln Dust Waste

Cement kiln dust (CKD) is the fine-grained, solid, highly alkaline waste removed from cement kiln exhaust gas by air pollution control devices. Because much of the CKD is actually unreacted raw materials, large amounts of it can and are, recycled back into the production process. Some CKD is reused directly, while some requires treatment prior to reuse. CKD not returned to the production process is typically disposed in land-based disposal units (i.e., landfills, waste piles, or surface impoundments), although some is also sold for beneficial reuse.
CKD is categorized by EPA as a "special waste" and has been temporarily exempted from federal hazardous waste regulations under Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). EPA is in the process of developing standards for the management of CKD and has published a set of proposed Subtitle D (i.e., non-hazardous, solid waste) regulations to govern CKD management.
(Source: US EPA)

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